Grandmaster Massan Ghorbani's journey is nothing short of epic. Starting as a shy and quiet little boy, he overcame a local bully at the age of 7 and escaped a kidnapping attempt at 13. From these early challenges, he grew into one of the best knockdown karate fighters in Iran and later, one of the top full-contact fighters in Ireland. πΈ
He became one of DJN Ji Han Jae's top students and assistants, achieving the prestigious 10th Dan Black Belt and Gold Belt, along with the special title Joongkwan Sunsa in Sin Moo Hapkido and Sin Moo Associations, directly from Doju Ji Han Jae, the founder of the style. πΈ
SGM Ghorbani has competed in numerous national and international tournaments, including Sosai Mas Oyama’s knockdown karate Kyukushin Kai championships. He was a knockdown karate champion in his weight division in Iran before moving to Ireland. Once in Ireland, he became a holder of many World and European Kickboxing titles and a former World Silver and WAKO European Champion since January 1986. πΈ
With the new age in martial arts and evolving fighting skills, Joongkwan Sunsa Ghorbani believes Hapkido must technically upgrade to maintain its original objectives and goals, which are to improve physical, mental, and spiritual health, as well as the ability to defend oneself against any old or new fighting styles or skill sets. πΈ
Ghorbani emphasizes that leading armies in the world consistently strive to build superior weapons, and countries with superior weapons and technology are considered leading civilizations. However, traditional martial arts have always taught ethics, morals, and character building, focusing on self-development, life skills, and self-defense. These practices have proven beneficial to both mental and physical health and conditioning. πΈ
A martial arts instructor is a teacher, a leader, and a monk with immense responsibility towards themselves, their students, and their community. A teacher can become a light in the darkness and help others open their third eyes, but they must also guard against losing their own light in the overwhelming darkness of greed and politics. The battle between light and darkness exists in all of us and has been since the very beginning. This is not Yin and Yang, which complete each other, but rather the battle of the good wolf and bad wolf, a story told by an American native chief to his grandson. πΈ
SGM Massan Ghorbani teaches and promotes a positive outlook, helping others focus on the positive, attract good, and develop the best within each individual. He also teaches self-control and self-discipline to win the ongoing inner battle between the good and the bad wolf within us. πΈ
Ghorbani's life is filled with trials and errors, and he is eager to share the do's and don'ts for both on and off the mat situations based on his hard-earned lessons over the past fifty years. He shares his life challenges and victories with eager and determined students willing to learn and avoid making the same mistakes or reinventing the wheel. πΈ
The root of all victories is honesty, and the root of honesty is strength. We must always strive to be strong physically, mentally, and spiritually to remain honest, healthy, happy, and successful. πΈ
Grandmaster Massan Ghorbani's legacy of strength and wisdom continues to inspire many, proving that with dedication and resilience, one can overcome any obstacle. πΈπͺ
About the Author
Miss Tatsu @misstatsu @misstatsunee creates vlogs π Living in Philippines. Eczema survivor and food adventurer. Crafter and passionate VA π For business and collaborations send me a message: